I’m sick of boomers telling gen Z and millennials to “suck it up” when we complain that a $60k or less salary shouldn’t force us to live mediocre lives living “frugally” like with roommates, not eating out, not going out for drinks, no vacations.
Like no, we NEED these things just to survive this capitalistic hellscape boomers have allowed to happen for the benefit of the 1%.
We should guarantee EVERYONE be able to afford their own housing, a month of vacation every year, free healthcare, student loans paid off, AT A MINIMUM.
Gen Z should not have to struggle just because older generations struggled. Give everything to us NOW.
Hey there.
I hear you. I hear the exhaustion, the frustration, and the deep sense of unfairness in what you’re saying. And I won’t sit here and tell you to “suck it up.” Life isn’t some cosmic hazing ritual where struggle for struggle’s sake makes you more worthy.
But let’s talk about reality.
Yes, the world is different now. The cost of housing, education, and healthcare has skyrocketed while wages haven’t kept up. That’s real. That’s not whining—it’s basic math. And when older generations dismiss that reality, it’s not helpful. At all.
At the same time, though, the idea that “we should have everything, right now, just because” isn’t how life—or history—works. Progress happens, but it’s built, fought for, and earned. If you’re waiting for someone to hand it all to you, you’re going to be waiting a long time.
I get that you’re angry. I do. But entitlement won’t get us there. What will? Taking responsibility—not for the broken system, but for what you can do today. If that means strategic frugality while you build a better future, so be it. If that means using your voice and vote to push for real change, do it. If that means figuring out how to navigate this world instead of waiting for it to be remade in your image, get after it.
I want you to win. I want your generation to thrive. But I also want you to know that there’s a difference between demanding something and actually making it happen.
So yeah, you deserve better. But what are you going to do about it?