- Bachelor’s degree in animation. I deliver mail now.
- Philosophy degree. I think about life a lot.
- BA in sociology. Got accepted to law school but opted out because I was burned out and hated everything. I went to work at a hotel and randomly fell into accounting. It worked for me and now I have a CPA.
- Psychology degree -> bartending
- Got a psych degree, now im an electrician
- What do you do / With a BA in English? Cloud application manager.
- I have an art degree, in glass art. Have been a professional glass artist since 2000, just started on the 2nd largest commission of my career for a $60,000 suspended sculpture.
- BA in Classical Studies. Senior Financial Analyst.
- BS Kinesiology. MS exercise physiology. Software engineer now
- Human Development. I’m a military officer (MajorDick now)
- Film degree. Work in film production. Be careful what you wish for.
- Independent Researcher* (AKA, unemployed, or at least seriously under-employed, but I spend a few nights a week at the library pretending to be a post-doc, trying to write research papers on my degree subject because I miss doing my PhD).
- Psychology: operations/HR Manager
- Did get the typically “useless” psychology B.A. but did go on to get my masters in marriage and family therapy, currently work as a therapist. So it has gotten its use!
- Fine arts degree. Worked my butt off for years. Now in sales which comes so easy to me and I make so much more money. Wish I studied business or marketing and figured this out many years ago
- BA in Theatre Arts BFA in Stage Performance. Now I’m a Systems Administrator at a world-class art museum.
- Fly planes. Creative writing degree.
- BA in medieval studies from an Ivy. I work in VFX.
- Recreation therapy degree and now I grow weed for a living
- Sociology- I’m retired but worked for Child welfare
- I have a degree in accounting, that I used for six months 30 year ago. My roomate was a flight attendant and was having a blast, I decided to apply got accepted and spent 10 years traveling the world, until I had kids. Once they were older, I got into property management.
- Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts -> E-Commerce Manager
- Bachelor’s: English/Creative Writing. Master’s: Liberal Studies/Peace Education/Educational Theory. Job: Kindergarten teacher
- History degree. Went to law school and got my JD. Went to work for a private developer doing government and public relations stuff. Now working for a nonprofit as an advocate for indigenous peoples working on social and political issues like human trafficking and climate change policy.
- Psychology degree -> real estate appraisal -> startup founder in gaming industry -> product manager at fintech company. It’s been a weird 20 years since college.
- Sociology. I mostly tell people how to communicate now to not be an asshole. I work for child protective services to help kids get back to home, or keep them there if it’s a good idea.
- I got a bachelor degree in tourism management. I’ve been unemployed for 6 months
- Sales. I do brewery tours for fun and often make fun of my German degree, and then teach them related words.
- BA in English, thought I was going to be a librarian. Logistics management for a high tech manufacturer.
- Bachelor in cultural anthropology > CPA
- I got a degree in Communication with focuses in Journalism and English. I am now a senior video producer at a large nonprofit.
- I got a degree in Geography in 1969. I thought getting a government job would be good. Since I had good grades the recruiter had me take a logic test. When I passed he offered a job as a programmer trainee. I retired as an IT person from the government in 2004 and as a contractor ID person at the same agency in 2016.
- BFA in studio arts. I am a tattoo artist, co-own a studio, and intend to go back for my masters to teach when my body doesn’t want to tattoo anymore.
- Sociology degree. Software Product Manager.
- Left school with 90% of a music degree. Became a controls technician for the automation field.
- BA in Theatre/Directing. I now joust for renn faires
- Advertising. I work in pharmaceutical advertising.
- In the CEO of a mid-sized credit union. Majored in philosophy.
- Psychology: Data Analyst.
- BA in history. Currently am a cardiothoracic surgeon.
- BA in business admin and i do warehouse work.
- Psychology degree > Sales
- Philosophy major here. Didn’t go to law school. I’ve had a very diverse career ranging from sales, non-profit, corporate finance, corporate people management, CX, and training. I’m now in grad school, self employed and have two successful businesses.
- Sociology degree…web developer
- Religious Traditions of the West, which taught me how to do random research and write papers while also fulfilling my need for very very random trivia. I was mostly at college to play on computers on a sweet T1 ethernet connection, which is how I ended up in web dev, and then my ability to write led to me being in marketing for tech.
- Anthropology -> production designer.