"My hotel phone in Iceland has a special button that will wake you up if there are northern lights in the sky"
"My Uber driver offered a conversation “menu” for his ride"
The golf balls at the mini golf on this pier are biodegradable and fall into the sea at the 18th hole
This furniture hardware is sorted by step rather than by type.
Australian tax return shows where my money went
"Our refrigerator has revolving levels so you can reach everything easily"
"My work continues the paint lines up the wall to help people park"
“My inhaler includes a counter showing the number of doses remaining.”
“This store in Poland allows you to buy frozen veggies and dumplings in bulk and weigh them instead of taking home prepackaged boxes.”
This toaster’s cord has finger pull
The call button for this elevator is located at the start of the hallway so that the doors are open by the time you reach it.
This mini remote control in a restaurant will help you to call a waiter, ask for the bill, or clear the table.
This cart calculator knows your final total. No more surprises at checkout!
Both humans and dogs can use this drinking fountain in the park.
My tour guide’s tool for picking up littered bottles along the trail
Movie theater tells you if there’s a scene near the end of the movie
Door in hotel bathroom can close off either of 2 doorways.