1. She’s the strongest pillar in my foundation, she genuinely supports me and makes my life happy—really simple things that are hard to find. Without her I wouldn’t know how I’d be able to stand on my own.
2. My girlfriend is cool because 1. She’s very sweet to my family and they all ended up loving her 2. She doesn’t make fun of me for listening to girly music 3. She lets me play with her boobs.
3. I knew my girlfriend – now wife – was cool because she made an effort to get along with my friends and family. They all love her and she loves them. She’s also able to have a calm discussion about housework/bills/rent without it turning into an arguement.
She loves horror movies, drinks pints of lager and gives me a heads-up when I’m acting like a dickhead.
She’s my best friend. The highlight of my day is coming home from work to see her beautiful smiling face.
Also, she was – and still is – very open minded in the sex department. 10/10 would marry again.
4. I won’t speak of all girlfriends, but what makes my girl cool is how well she gets along with my friends. She is perfectly happy chilling with me and the guys and will even join us in our games at times. Once my friends started telling me they were glad I was dating her because of that, she was automatically cool!
5. Punk-loving, burp-expert, solid taste in movies/TV/music, lets me fart, curses like a sailor, has big boobs, loves hanging with me and my friends (and her friends are also awesome in more of the theater/artsy way that I like), out-smokes everyone (‘cept me), nice to talk to about funny or serious things and always likes to help
6. She has a wonderful sense of humor. She always makes everyone laugh and it’s polite to everyone. Not only is she my girlfriend, she’s also my best friend. I can trust her with anything and she always gives me good advice and sometimes even calls me out on stupid shit I’ve done. Overall I love her and she’s fucking awesome.
7. I can trash talk with her, we can be sexist to each other, wrestle and fart in front of her. So yes, it’s basically a bro in a female body. She also can get me motivated to do my stuff and get fit.
8. It’s weird, really, that another human can have so much effect on you by virtually doing nothing. I mean, she could be reading a book on a couch and I’d just look at her and I’d see the coolest thing ever. And that’s the point, I think. She doesn’t have to go out of her way to be the cool girl. It’s the subtle things, like the way she laughs when she sees funny things on her phone. Or the way she talks about her favorite books and TV shows. Or the way she doesn’t look at me directly when I compliment her for anything. She makes everything else seem cooler.
9. Do my friends like her? Yes. Is she open minded into trying things I like? Yes. Is she a classy lady in public but not so much in the bedroom? Yes. Does she love me as much as I love her? Yes. 10/10 would go another year or 60 with this one.
10. I could literally talk about how amazing she is for days. I truly don’t deserve such a kind hearted and loving person. We’ve been together for almost 2 years, between playing video games, watching anime, talking about silly thing that hardly make sense, skating, and just genuinely enjoying each others company, I feel like I can say, I not only found an amazing partner, but my best friend. We literally tell each other everything, from silly little articles on reddit (like Diddy Kong getting nerfed in smash today motherfuckers) to how some customer gave me a dollar tip at work. We have our problems but I think we can work through them, she’s the only person that has ever motivated me to strive for a better life and I thank her everyday for that.
11. My girlfriend is a pretty solid example of “cool girlfriend”. We live together and pretty much chill every night. I’ll get home from work and dinner will be made for me most days, then we smoke a joint, maybe crack open a couple ciders? Chill and watch TV together, sometimes read books in bed.
The thing is she doesn’t give a shit what other people have to say as well, tell you straight, which I definitely need most times as I’m quite a stressful person. She will kick me out of it and brighten my mood again. Very nice to have someone that understands you completely and knows what you’re thinking at all times. So might be worth mentioning similarity is going to be a key there. Also, she’s weird as hell, which makes us stand out a bit more than usual.
12. I am a ridiculous, silly, goofy person. I have a ton of hobbies and my girlfriend wants me to enjoy my hobbies. She’s never told me “video games are for kids and immature you shouldn’t play them”, because she realizes that they make me happy and it’s not her place to tell me my harmless hobby is stupid just because she doesn’t like them all that much.
13. My current girlfriend is the coolest I’ve dated so far. She’s an artist (who can sew, knit, draw and oh yeah, weld) who can speak three languages and likes teaching children to combine fabric and technology. She loves me for who I am and makes me believe in myself. My friends enjoy her company, and she can hold her own with them without my presence. She doesn’t get angry when I get too drunk and will occasionally participate in my antics. She also goes out of her way to see my perspective on things and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She’s kind, smart and the most beautiful girl (to me) I know. I’m quite lucky now that I think about it.
14. She worked her ass off to do what she loves.
She communicates with me instead of requiring me to pick up on hidden signals.
She is a good person that cares about others and actively works to improve people’s lives.
She listens to my interests even when sometimes ADHD me fails to do the same.
She calls me on my shit when I need it.
We have some very opposite traits and we keep each other balanced.
She loves me for me. Even if I where to fuck up in a drastic life changing manner she would be there for me.
With her, us and me are not conflicts. We are both one and individual.
11/10 would become geriatric together.
15. Been dating my gf for 2 years. We already know we’re getting married. She’s the best. Always interested in my interests. As I am hers. Is friends with all my friends and gets along with my family great. Is always down to go out or just chill at home and smoke and watch a movie. And every time we’re in bed and start kissing it automatically leads to sex, which is nice.
16. My gf right now just…is cool. It’s all subjective anyway. Whatever you personally like about them is why they are cool to you. She laughs at my corny jokes, teases me and jokes with me. Honestly, you don’t fall in love with someone because they are “cool”. They become “cool” when you fall in love with them…
17. She can talk to me about the rent, paying off a car, or other financial bullshit without it being accusatory for either of us. If she can save money, that makes her fucking amazing, because I’m just not that great at it.
She’s interested in what interests me. She doesn’t need to be as intoit as I am, but like, don’t just look at me weird when I talk about the things I do with my free time.
She wants to be spending time with me. Not be in the same space as me, but spend time with me. Talking, cuddling, watching a show, playing a game, listening to one or the other practice something. Which probably better branches into my next point…
Wants to be an active part of my life. She wants to be involved in my life and the things I do. She doesn’t just want me around as it’s convenient, but all the time. Just hearing the stories about my life isn’t ideal.
Showing affection. Holy. Fucking. Shit. When did it get cool to act disinterested in someone as a way of getting their attention? Fuck that shit with fire.
She has funny catch phrases like the one I just used.
She wants me. Not just another heartbeat.
She loves me for the person that I am. Flaws, and all. I’m not going to be perfect every single day of my life, and I want to be accepted that I’m not going to be that. I’m going to try my fucking hardest to be it, but I’m not always going to succeed.
She makes me feel like the most sexy dude around.
She reminds me that I’m important to her, and that I’m special to her. All the time.
I am the unfiltered me without it ever occurring to me that I’m not using my “representative me” around her. And she loves that person.
The fact that I just described my actual girlfriend in every respect reminds me how fucking lucky I am to have her in my life.
18. The girl I’m dating is my best friend and that makes her cool in my book.
We don’t have identical views, hobbies, or taste in music, but it works. I really do enjoy spending a ton of time with her. She’s OK with me being…well, me. And I’m happy just the way she is.
Neither of us are perfect and we acknowledge that but we can poke fun at each other, game together, cook. Everything is just more fun when we’re around each other.
19. She’s not insane. She has her own friends, her own interests, her own passions. She likes being together, but she also doesn’t mind being apart. You can have a close relationship with her, without her being possessive, irrational or jealous. And she’s not your lapdog either. She calls you out on your shit too, when you deserve it.