Many couples find themselves frequently bickering over household chores – who should do the dishes, vacuum the floors, scrub the toilets. The mental load of keeping track of what needs to be cleaned and making sure it gets done often falls disproportionately on one partner. This leads to built up resentment and tension that can eat away at the foundation of the relationship.
One solution that people often dismiss is hiring professional house cleaners. The assumption is that it will be prohibitively expensive. But when you really crunch the numbers, it may be more affordable than you think, especially when you factor in the hidden costs of constant arguments over cleaning.
Let’s say a cleaning service charges $150 for a thorough cleaning of your home every two weeks. That’s $300 per month, or $3600 per year. That may sound like a lot at first. But think of what you’re getting in return – a consistently clean home without you having to lift a finger. No more nagging your spouse to do their share or feeling upset when common areas aren’t kept to your standards.
How much would you pay for more harmony in your relationship? For many, $300 a month is a bargain, especially if you’re a dual-income household already paying for conveniences like frequent takeout, a dog walker, or subscriptions that you could cut back on. It’s a matter of priorities.
If a full professional cleaning isn’t doable, even having cleaners come once a month or hiring them for occasional deep cleans can make a difference. The key is sitting down together, looking at your budget, and deciding if the tradeoff is worth it for your relationship. Don’t let the sticker shock prevent you from considering it as an option.
Money aside, having a neutral third party clean up is sometimes the only way to break out of the chore standoff many couples find themselves in. It eliminates the scorekeeping over who does more. If hiring help is what it takes to achieve a more equitable division of labor and a more peaceful home, isn’t it at least worth a discussion?
No one looks back on their life and fondly remembers scrubbing floors. They remember quality time with loved ones in a space that felt comfortable and calm. For some, investing in a cleaning service may be the secret ingredient to a happier home and a stronger relationship. Don’t write it off until you’ve done the math, both financial and emotional.