We all like to think we have a pretty good handle on who we are and how we come across to others. But let’s be real: we all have blind spots. Those pesky little habits, quirks, and flaws that are glaringly obvious to everyone else but somehow invisible to us.
Maybe you have a tendency to interrupt people mid-sentence. Or maybe you’re always running 20 minutes late to everything. Or maybe you have a really annoying nervous laugh that makes people want to punch you in the throat. Who knows?
Well, actually, your friends probably know. And if you’re brave enough to ask them, they might just tell you.
Now, before you go sending out a mass text asking your entire social circle to roast you, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, choose your friends wisely. You want to ask people who you trust to be honest with you, but also tactful. The goal is constructive feedback, not a brutal takedown of your entire personality.
Second, be specific in your request. Don’t just ask “What are my blind spots?” because that’s a fucking loaded question and most people will be too afraid to answer it honestly. Instead, ask for feedback on a specific behavior or situation. Like, “Hey, I noticed people seemed really annoyed at me during that meeting. Did I do something to piss everyone off?”
Third, brace yourself for the truth. Hearing about your own shortcomings is never easy, even when it’s coming from a place of love. Don’t get defensive or argue with the feedback. Just listen, absorb it, and thank your friend for their honesty.
And finally, remember that your blind spots don’t define you. We all have them. The fact that you’re self-aware enough to seek out feedback and try to improve yourself already puts you ahead of the game.
Plus, let’s be honest, some of our flaws are just part of our charm. Maybe your tendency to always speak your mind is what draws people to your authenticity. Maybe your terrible sense of direction leads to spontaneous adventures. Embrace the quirks that make you you.
But for the blind spots that are holding you back or causing friction in your relationships? It’s worth shining a light on those fuckers. And your friends can be the mirror you need to see yourself more clearly.
So go ahead, ask a trusted friend to hit you with some truth bombs. It might sting at first, but in the end, you’ll be a better, more self-aware version of yourself. And that’s always a win.