Personally, I never met anyone who could make a smooth ass kicking batch of mash better than I! My recipe and procedure of manufacturing I never shared with anyone till today.
I spent almost 2 years experimenting with different ingredients and different techniques. I just didn’t like the taste of other peoples mash. I wanted to find the perfect ingredients and best taste. As is with many things in life, sometimes simple is better!
Alcohol is actually very easy to produce. Even an apple falling off a tree ferments on the ground with the sugar turning to alcohol.
I’ll list the ingredients and how to make it all. Most guys use Yeast in their brew, not me. Yeast only makes it cook faster, gives a yeast taste, produces a lot of gas and odor. Plus it just doesn’t seem to produce as much alcohol doing it that way. I prefer slow cooking mine. It’s all so simple to do.
Matt’s Long Week Iced Tea
Use a 1 gallon jug
Fill jug 2/3 with Iced Tea
Add 1 cup of Fruit Cocktail
Add 2 cups of sugar
Put the top on the jug loosely to let gas escape
Set jug in the corner somewhere and let sit for 7 to 9 days
Nothing needs to be done with it till it’s done. I always monitor the progress by taking a small taste each day after about 5 days. Enzymes in the brew eat the sugar and turn it to alcohol. But after it turns to alcohol it then it the begins to turn into vinegar.
The trick is to taste it frequently. At first it will be extremely sweet. But after 4- 5 days you’ll notice less and less sweet taste and more alcohol taste. If you monitor it at least once a day then you won’t have a problem figuring out just when to pull it up.
You want to pull it up when you taste nothing but alcohol. It won’t taste sweet, nor bitter, just taste like Vodka almost. When it’s ready, pour out the juice and separate the juice from the fruits. The Fruit Cocktail you can eat.
Be careful, it’s VERY potent and will get you plastered drunk by itself! The juice left over will get about 4 people nice and buzzed. The taste will be very smooth but with one hell of a kick! This my friends is Matt’s Long Week Iced Tea!
– Matthew Holmes