1. The absolute best benefit is that I notice, within myself, when negative thoughts or emotions are arising.
I can see them before they get out of control, observe them and their causes, and adjust. I can think critically and evaluate my options before acting hastily.
Likewise, when somebody says something that upsets me, I don’t just react. I stop to observe it’s effects on me, think about why it affects me like that, and then consider the intention of the speaker. This helps me avoid unnecessary conflict due to misunderstanding.
2. Memory, handling and control of emotions, attention span, alertness, being calm or finding it easier to be calm in situations that would stress others, a literal increase in your brains grey matter, easier to cope with physical pain, being mindful throughout the day, less random/monkey brain thoughts, more focused.
3. Ever have these moments where you know you’re not making a great choice but mostly because it feels easier, you ignore that?
If I meditate somewhat regularly (just closing my eyes and being attentive for 10 minutes already does a lot for me) it feels like I can actually question and redirect that train of habit because it isn’t moving at such a lightning speed anymore.
Today is so fast that I often find myself rushing from moment to moment without being able to take a good look at each moment. Meditation makes standing still easier.
I think I can compare it to getting enough sleep: The extra hour it takes is usually worth it because it gives a major increase in quality to all the other hours you have.
4. To not be a slave to compulsive thoughts. To actually be in the here and now and not Be stuck in the deceptive addiction patterns of past and future thinking. To be able to relax. To live compassionately to yourself and others. To let go. All of these have overlap into each other.
5. I can now observe myself interacting with others and make concious choises instead of just reacting automatically. For example I can listen, try to understand and love people that are angry towards me instead of just getting hurt or angry myself. If I get angry now I don’t stay angry for as long as I used to. I’m better in touch with my feelings, earlier I just repressed them. Life is more fun to enjoy with feelings.
6. It’s not like you meditate once and your entire life changes, but with a daily routine you will find that over time you have an ability to see your thoughts and emotions as an outside observer then you can act on those thoughts and emotions in a way you CHOOSE to react rather than just a knee jerk reaction.
7. For me, the great thing about being able to let go of thoughts is being able to get out of my head when I know I’m worrying/ruminating unnecessarily over something I have no control of. I went through a job interview process recently, and instead of worrying about every step and email and communication, I was able to navigate through it pretty calmly. Also valuable was being able to get out of my head and not be hard on myself after I got the phone call from them telling me they weren’t going to go with me.
8. Benefits: Reduced Stress. Emotional Balance. Increased Focus. Reduced Pain. Reduced Anxiety. Increased Creativity. Reduced Depression. Increased Memory.
I’m a trauma survivor with PTSD. I might go as far as saying meditation saved my life. It’s that important. You will never regret starting this daily habit. Never.