- “Perfectly fine. 5’6 dated in the US an Europe, moved for work. Short term, long term, and hookups. Never had an issue. The real world is nothing like the internet. Just live your life.”
- “I’m 5’6″ and did just fine with the lady’s, of course the girls who were taller than me weren’t in my dating pool, but even then I nabbed a few.”
- “I’m 5’5 and my height has never been an issue for me. I’ve dated taller and shorter.”
- “I’m 5’5″ and 44 years old. It wasn’t until relatively recently (and until I started reading Reddit) that I learned how bad short men have it.”
- “I’m 5’2 What’s a dating life?”
- “I’m around 5’6. Personally, I haven’t had much trouble dating. Generally, go for women, my height or shorter. Humor and confidence always brought me far.”
- “I’m 5’6″ and I’ve never had issues with dating. I’m actually married with a kid on the way”
- “I’m 5’2″ and did just fine. Word of advice – don’t do any dating through apps or social media. People on there are usually given the illusion of choice, so they end up getting super picky. Just find a girl real life and shoot your shot.”
- “5’4″ guy here. Overall it hasn’t been all that bad. I just tema to go for women that are even shorter than me”
- “I’m 5,4 and never had a problem with women. I think having confidence and a good attitude negates height for most women.”
- “I’m 5’6″ and never had a problem. Nor has been. Don’t focus on that. Focus on your strengths and confidence. That’s the thing you can control.”
- “It’s going to be less of an issue as you get older. I am 5’4 at 37 years old and happily married to a beautiful woman.”
- “I’m 5’7 and have never had any issues dating with my height, in fact my first girlfriend was two inches taller than me.”
- “5’6″. Never had a problem. I’m very outgoing and extremely confident. Dated women shorter than me as well as a few that were 5″11′. Married now, wife is maybe 1/4″ taller than me.”
- “I’m (33M) 5’7 and my wife is closer to 5’8. It used to lowkey bother me when she would wear heels but before we would walk out the house I would think to myself “she is still with me even after all these years of knowing she is slightly taller than me, especially in heels.”
- “5’6″ male here. It’s honestly never been a problem for me but I’ve also never let it get to me, which I think is important.”
- “I’m 5’7 – 5’8 and one of my best friends is 5’5″ We are both approaching 50. Both of us have dated or hooked up significantly more than the average. This includes the competitive dating scenes in LA and NYC.”