Bamse, a Saint Bernard, was inducted as an official crew member of a Norwegian fighting ship during World War 2. The canine was known for breaking up fights amongst his crew-mates by putting his paws on their shoulders and calming them down.
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“Dogor” an 18,000 year-old puppy that was discovered in the Siberian permafrost. He’s so well preserved that his nose and whiskers are still mostly intact.
Locals found the remains in the summer of 2018 in a frozen lump of ground near the Indigirka River, according to the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk. Parts of the animal are incredibly well-preserved, including its head, nose, whiskers, eyelashes and mouth, revealing that it still had its milk teeth when it died. Researchers suggest the animal was just two months old when it passed, though they do not know the cause of death.
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The world’s most faithful dog, Hachiko. After his master’s death, he waited for his return in the same location every single day for almost 10 years until he too passed away.
The enduring bond between a man and his dog is a tale as old as time itself. The story of Hachiko, a dog whose loyalty to his owner transcended even death, stands out among the countless heartwarming tales of canine-human relationships.