Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom – Viktor E. Frankl
Meditation is a great way to make that “space” bigger, as are several kinds of self reflection. Watching yourself in the moment, seeing where your thoughts take you without judgement, helps you to understand your own mind. It isn’t easy, and it takes time to develop this awareness of your own response, but over time your ability to change your response (in this case steer away from certain thoughts and toward better ones) does get better.
How To Meditate
1. Pick a spot
Sit in a chair or on the floor. Where and how you meditate doesn’t really matter as long as you can be comfortable, but awake.
2. Time
Set a timer for 10 minutes or set the intention to go for how long as you want.
3. Prime
Begin with your eyes open and take 5 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. This is a good way to release tension before you start.
4. Settle In
Close your eyes and breathe normally through the nose. Find whatever pace feels natural to you.
5. Breate
With every inhale, think "in" and with every exhale, think "out".
6. Focus
Direct your attention to the air flowing through your nose or the rise and fall of your belly.
7. Return
When you notice your mind is wandering off, return back to your breath.
8. Repeat
Do this everyday.