The first and most important rule of life, is to have some rules and principles by which you operate from and live by.
Your success, happiness and level of fulfillment will be dictated to you by the rules you have for yourself and the standard you set and accept for yourself.
If you want to thrive, if you want to blossom into the most beautiful and magnificent and powerful version of yourself then you need to develop your very own “modus operandi” – the way in which you operate, conduct yourself and perform.
Not having rules and boundaries for our lives is the main reason why we make choices that negatively impact our progress and stop us from ever reaching our true potential.
You have to have some rules, no matter how basic or simple they may be and those rules may relate to many areas of your life, like how much money you spend or save each week or how much junk food you eat or what time you will wake up or even how much you drink when you are out with your friends.
Most importantly those rules form a larger framework for your existence and cover such things as the standard of your work, how you treat others, what you will tolerate, accept and expose yourself to. It is these rules that will help you to avoid self harm and making choices that harm you and rob you of your own of sense worth.
Discipline is the key that unlocks all your potential, it is the life force that determines your destiny and it is the disciplines and rules you set for yourself that will ultimately determine where you end up.
The price is too high, not to have some rules for your life and my great hope for each and every one of you is that you create your own “modus operandi” for your life that lives and exists deep within your soul.
May the rules by which you live by travel with you and through you and be the light by which you carry yourself and may the standard you set for yourself and your life be an example for others but most importantly may they make you feel proud of the way in which you lived your life.