1. Washington, Master’s with 7 years and a stipend: $96,000. Doing pretty well in my district; getting along great and being appreciated.
2. Suburb of a major Texas city, starting salary is 61k. I have 27 years experience and a masters degree. I make 68k. I’m furious that my education and decades of experience is only worth about ten percent more than a rookie with bare minimum certification requirements.
3. I’m in the Deep South. Year 1 with a BA – 43,540 plus whatever extra cash I get from PD stipends and whatnot. Decently content with my salary (I’m in a LCOL area), could be better but it’s better than some horror story salaries I hear about in the very rural parts of the south.
4. New Mexico. I am tier 3, two master’s degrees, national board certified $91,000 with a VERY LOW COL.
5. Los Angeles Metro Area. 8 years plus masters & leadership stipend: $85,000
6. Year one, $50k, Northern CO
7. Suburbs of Pittsburgh, master’s year 17 – 104,000 + 12,500 buyout for opting out of our healthcare plan. I love my job and love teaching, but I hope my children choose a different profession when they grow up.
8. SoCal- BA + 30 I’m technically a year 1 but they’re starting me at year 3- $67k
9. Everett, WA – year 12, masters – 143,000. Pretty happy
10. Rural Michigan 25 years ma+ 69,000
11. NE Ohio, 15 year MA plus 30=75k. If I worked in a district closer to the city not even 30 miles from where I am now, that would be almost 100k. Ridiculous how we fund public schools in Ohio.
12. WA state, MA +45, year 9, 105k
13. 18 years in central Florida and make $53,000. Didn’t even break $50,000 until year 16.
14. I live in Alabama, a red state. I have 10 years experience, M.S., teach math and CS, NBCT, no extra duties, work 189 days, and make $91,797 as a base pay
15. 17 years BA plus 30 72k Northern Minnesota
16. My wife is a teacher with 13 years experience and a master’s degree. 52,000 a year, in Mississippi.
17. NYC. 136k. 23 years
18. 10 years. National Board Certified. No masters degree. Only bachelors. I’ll be making about $95k in the 2024-2025 school year. Las Vegas.
19. Carroll County, Georgia. Master’s Degree. 9 years. $52,000 (this includes a $5,000 annual stipend)
20. $140,000 base salary. 21 years experience. In Southern California. Love the job, but burned out with all the other stipend positions I have. However, the stipends bring in another $25,000.
21. Texas, 16 years, $71,000 with a masters. (But I get more than that with dual credit classes. Topped out at $95k one memorable year.)
22. Fairfax county Virginia, first year kindergarten teacher, 65,000. I’m ok. Not happy, but I’m doing ok for now. Thankfully, my co workers are very helpful.