For those of you who didn’t know, when we fall asleep our bodies release a chemical into the part of our brain that controls movement, the chemicals being glycine and GABA . These essentially freeze your muscles, rendering you incapable of movement. This is done to keep us from acting out our dreams and injuring ourselves. (Sleepwalkers’ bodies don’t release enough of this chemical, hence the walking).
how to
How to Be a Charming Storyteller
(Photo by Andrea Piacquadio)
Storytelling has been a cherished art form for thousands of years. When done right, it can win an entire group over and have a girl hanging onto your every word. Here are some of the positive effects:
- Make her smile or laugh so she feels comfortable around you.
- Create attraction by showing her interesting qualities or values about yourself.
- Connect with her on a personal level and cut through small talk.
- Encourage her to open up to you.