My 32M wife 40F and her best friend 43F were all hanging out at the house with a few of her other friends. Her best friend kept trying to pull me off the couch to take a shot.
She grabbed both my legs and pulled me right off the couch we started like play wrestling . We were drunk and it was all out of fun. I’m 5’3 and about 130 pounds . She’s the same height as me but weighs more.
I tried grabbing her legs and tackling her but she just pushed me to the ground and had me pinned. I was trying as hard as I could to get up and started turning bright red and my wife and all her friends started laughing so hard. Her friend was barely trying and was able to just keep me pinned there.
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Relationship Matters: Marrying Someone with Large Debt
I have recently gotten engaged. Unfortunately, my partner has a large debt to the tune of over $175k. The majority of it is from student loans from a degree that was not finished. The loans are as follows:
Private loan of $119k, 7.8% interest. Another private loan of $5k with 5% interest, CC of $6600, and a government loan of $45k with var interest.
He is paying $1848 combined on all of these loans, which is as much as he makes in one paycheck… in addition to the rest of our living expenses. $1k of that goes toward the largest loan monthly. I have minimal debt (under 2K), and a credit score of 774.
Is there anything I can do? Have I screwed myself on ever being able to buy a house?
First off, congratulations on your engagement! That’s a big milestone and I’m sure you two are excited about building your life together. But you’re right to be concerned about your partner’s debt situation. $175k is no small amount, especially with those high interest rates.
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The Perfect Partner Does Not Exist
In our quest for love and connection, many of us have been sold a bill of goods. We’ve been told a story, a fairy tale, that somewhere out there is a Perfect Partner who will meet all our needs and erase all our troubles. But here’s the hard truth: the Perfect Partner doesn’t exist, and believing in this myth can do more harm than good.
Why Clarity is the Ultimate Sign of Respect in Relationships
In today’s world, where distractions are at every corner and communication is often reduced to emojis and likes, the virtue of clarity in relationships has never been more critical. The self-help industry, with its billions in annual revenue, frequently overlooks one of the most fundamental elements of human connection: clear and honest communication. The adage “Clear is kind, unclear is unkind” isn’t just a guideline—it’s a principle that can define the trajectory of your personal and professional relationships.
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Relationship Matters: “I haven’t seen my best friend since he met his wife 2 years ago”
My (35F) best friend (36M) met his now-wife 2 years ago and I haven’t seen him since. Immediately prior to him meeting her, we were very close. We talked and texted regularly and saw each other all the time. Despite being opposite gender heterosexuals there was never anything between us beyond being close friends (and we also both had a lot of other opposite gender friends).
Relationship Matters: “I’ve been dating a married woman for 3 years now”
I never thought I’d find myself in this situation, but here I am, seeking guidance for a problem I never anticipated. A few years ago, I met a woman named Sarah through mutual friends. We hit it off immediately and started dating shortly after. Things were going great, and I felt like I had finally found the person I wanted to spend my life with.
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The Toxic Habit That’s Destroying Your Relationship: Kitchen Sinking
Picture this: You’re in the middle of a heated argument with your partner about the dishes they forgot to wash. Suddenly, you find yourself bringing up that time they forgot your anniversary, the fact that they never take out the trash, and how they always leave their dirty socks on the floor.
Before you know it, you’ve unleashed a torrent of complaints and criticisms that have nothing to do with the original issue. Congratulations, you’ve just kitchen sunk your partner.
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Relationship Matters: “My girlfriend wants marriage, but I fear losing everything “
I’m kind of stuck and hoping you can shed some light on things for me. See, I’ve been with my girlfriend for the same amount of time I’ve been divorced—about seven years. She’s amazing, truly. We’ve grown together, laughed, and supported each other through thick and thin. And here’s the thing: she’s ready for marriage, and part of me is too. But, there’s this other part, this nagging voice in the back of my head, that’s holding me back.
A Guide to the Five Love Languages
Pop quiz, lovebirds: What makes your partner feel most adored? Is it a heart-melting compliment, a thoughtful gift, or maybe just a long, tight hug at the end of a tough day? According to relationship guru Dr. Gary Chapman, how we express and experience love can be broken down into five distinct “love languages”—and getting fluent in your partner’s preferred language is the secret sauce to keeping your bond strong and satisfying.
Relationship Matters: “My girlfriend lost her job and isn’t looking for a new one.”
My girlfriend lost her job and isn’t looking for a new one. Unfortunately I can’t support us both just on my income alone. I don’t know what to do.
We’ve been together for 3 years so she is aware of my financial situation and we are very open and honest with each other about our finances.
My girlfriend was fired from her job in November for being habitually late for work. When she first lost her job I figured no big deal, I have some savings and can afford to just be a one-income household for a little bit, but as time has gone on she has indicated that she is not interested in working again and is not looking for work. She doesn’t look for work and spends most of her time either sleeping, watching TV, or playing video games. When I ask her about finding a job or what she wants to do for her next job, she just laughs and shrugs it off, saying she will “figure it out.” She has hinted at wanting to remain unemployed and just live off my earnings.