The Titan, a submarine owned by OceanGate, which offers tourists a unique opportunity to visit the Titanic wreck for a hefty price of $250,000, is controlled by a surprisingly affordable video game controller. This revelation was made by Stockton Rush, the CEO of OceanGate, during an interview with “CBS Sunday Morning” last year.
#1 Mistake People Make When Building A Habit
(photo: @sotheencourager)
The #1 mistake people do when they start building a habit is relying too much on willpower. They believe that building a healthy habit like daily exercising, is only possible if you go hard and you push yourself everyday to show up and be disciplined.
While this plan might work for people who have trained and grown their willpower muscle to above average size (think: really fit and healthy people, who just keep on getting healthier), it won’t work for majority of us, because of a single reason that willpower is finite resource and if we ask more than it can handle – we’ll quit.
[Read more…] about #1 Mistake People Make When Building A Habit
She Played ‘Amelie’ in the 2001 Movie. See Audrey Tautou Now at 46 – VL Wanderer
15 Box Office Bombs and Disappointments That Destroyed Movie Franchises – Den of Geek
He Played ‘Eddie Munster’ on The Munsters. See Butch Patrick Now at 69 – Ned Hardy
If you want to extend the life of your shoes, spray this water and stain repellent on it – Amazon
Inside North Korea: “We are stuck, waiting to die” – BBC
High-Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Sugar: Which Is Actually Worse? – Popular Science
How to tell if you’re in a one-sided relationship (and what to do about it) – Stylist
60 songs every ’90s kid will remember – Insider
Andrew Tate Is Charged With Rape and Human Trafficking in Romania – TIME
7 Lies Men Need to Stop Telling Themselves – Linkiest
How Bob Ross’ Military Career As A Drill Sergeant Influenced His Painting And Gentle Persona – All That’s Intersting
14 Uncomfortable Truths to Challenge Your Perspective – Better Humans
What Ever Happened To N’Bushe Wright From Blade? – Ned Hardy
This Scarlett Johansson Sci-Fi Movie Flopped At The Box Office But Is Totally Worth Checking Out – VL Wanderer
Whoever sold him that case of beer is wrong af (video) – Hoodville
Plus-Size Model Speaks Out Against Cruel Comments That Say Her Boyfriend Is “Too Hot” for Her – Bright Side
7 Steps for Men to Transform Infidelity into a Catalyst for Personal Growth, Emotional Resilience, and Meaningful Connections – Knowledge For Men
Which Country Works The Most, Per Capita? – Visual Capitalist
How To Say No At Work Without Making Enemies – Life Hack
The Dumping Grounds
Confession of the Day
I’m 30 and my little brother is 24. He’s honestly the best brother I could have asked for. I still remember the day he was born and holding my newborn baby brother when I was a kid. As we grew up I always knew he was different but he’s my brother and I love him and I wouldn’t change him. He’s honestly one of my best friends and having a brother with downs syndrome, especially one like him has made me a better person.
Poll of the Day
[democracy id=”295″]
What is Entropy?
Entropy is a concept in science that helps us understand how energy works. You can think of it like this: Imagine you have a box of building blocks, all neatly stacked. This is a low entropy state because everything is ordered and organized.
Picture of the Day
A young soldier and his mother right before he left for WWI in 1917
The young man’s name was Joseph Hafen and he was born in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1895, the seventh of ten children. He was 22 years old when he left to fight in WWI.
If You Are Unsuccessful With Women, It Is 100% Your Fault. You Are Not A Victim
Photo by jose pena
Pornography, Hollywood, and other forms of media have deluded men into false perceptions of women think and how attraction works.
Porn is a falsified, artificially constructed representation of human sexuality, where attraction and arousal are instantaneous, easy and abundant without true effort.
On the other side, mainstream movies, i.e. romance porn, often portray unquestioned dedication as the ultimate way to woman’s heart. Unremarkable, piddling men will win a beautiful woman over through some grand act of devotion, reinforcing that idea that men can be mediocre and still attract beautiful women solely through sacrifice.
[Read more…] about If You Are Unsuccessful With Women, It Is 100% Your Fault. You Are Not A Victim
How A Small Mistake Made ‘Night of the Living Dead’ A Classic Horror Film – Van Life Wanderer
She Played Nancy in The Craft. See Fairuza Balk Now at 49 – Ned Hardy
If you want to beef up your security around your important online accounts, add a physical security key to the mix – Amazon
6 Decluttering Strategies Minimalists Swear By – Domino
How to stop looking at your phone – VOX
How to listen to, and enjoy, classical music – Psyche
Psychology: ‘Success Bombing’ Is the Awkward Friendship Issue That No One Talks About – Stylist
She was 200 meters from the peak of Mount Everest, then turned back. Here’s why – NPR
7 Tips to Avoid Being a Victim of Violent Crime – Linkiest
How to Invest if You’re Sitting on a Pile of Cash Right Now – Wealth of Common Sense
$5,000 Japanese Mini Pick-Up Trucks Are Taking America by Storm – My Modern Met
Horrors Of Trench Warfare Captured In Viral Ukrainian Special Ops Footage – The Drive
Virgin Will Now Fly You To Space For $450,000 Per Ticket – Fatherly
Apparently O.J. Simpson Has Developed a TiKTok Following – Inside Hook
Security Guard stays in his car continuing to sniff aerosols after he crashed into a parked car – Reddit
10 Films Where the Protagonist Is Trapped in Purgatory – Listverse
How to Set Up and Use Security Keys for Your Apple ID on an iPhone – Make Use Of
Narcissism: Where It Comes From and How to Deal With It – Mark Manson
What You Need to Know Before Seeing Marvel’s ‘Secret Invasion’ – The Ringer
Do Not Put Your Kid on an Electric Bike – Wired