Being a dad. It’s the hardest, most thankless, most glorious gig in the world. Every bleary-eyed stumble down the hallway at 3 a.m., every banana mashed into the upholstery, every inexplicable, logic-defying meltdown in the cereal aisle—each of these little brutalities is repaid in full the second those tiny arms wrap around your neck and hold on like you’re the center of gravity itself.
Your Brain Is Stuck in the Stone Age
For millions of years, Homo sapiens lived in small hunter-gatherer bands. The world was dangerous, food was scarce, and survival depended on strong social bonds. These conditions shaped the human brain into what it is today: a machine finely tuned for a world that no longer exists.
This One Question Will Change How You Spend Money Forever
Most people think they control their spending. They don’t.
They think their purchases are based on logic and personal preferences. They aren’t.
The truth is, most people spend money based on how they want to be perceived. They buy things not because they need them, but because they believe those things signal success, intelligence, or belonging.
Which is why there’s one simple question that can completely change the way you spend money:
[Read more…] about This One Question Will Change How You Spend Money Forever
The Seemingly Small Habit That Almost Ruined My Marriage, According to 11 Men – Fatherly
How Nauru Became the World’s Richest Country—and Then Lost Everything – Ned Hardy
A lot of poeple swear by this machine to help you sleep better by creating a soothing, consistent sound that drowns out unwanted noise – Amazon
Our Human Ancestors Very Nearly Went Extinct 900,000 Years Ago, Genetics Suggest – Smithsonian
Why more retirement-age Americans keep working – CNBC
From Moldy Showers to Junk Drawers: How to Clean the 10 Things Annoying You Most – The Guardian
Five Questions to Ask Yourself When You Aren’t Being Productive – Life Hacker
How a Family of Scammers Made Millions Off Fake 5-Hour Energy – Mel Magazine
Lets Take A Stroll Through The Art Museum – Ned Hardy
Smart lightbulbs are the best. I like to create different lighting for waking up, reading and winding down for sleep and im never going back to regular light bubls – Amazon
Two Samoans swing for the fences in school bathroom – Reddit
How to Split the Bill at a Restaurant, No Matter How Complicated – Bon Appetit
15 Most Underrated First-Person Shooter Games – Den of Geek
Warner Bros. is streaming full movies for free on YouTube – The Verge
Hospice nurses share their patients’ wildest death bed confessions, and it’s eye-opening – Upworthy
The Dumping Grounds
“Can I afford a Tesla?”
Hey guys the new model 3 is now at 1.99 APR for a 3 year loan and I really want one for the tech (not cause it’s an EV or any political/environmental reason) I am 27M.
My current financials situation is I make 90k a year, net worth is 160k, no student loans, no mortgage, no credit card debt, no car deb [paid off] worth around 18k. I know car is a horrible financial decision but I don’t spend on anything. I know I could not buy one and keep saving/investing too but idk
9 Warning Signs You’re Living Beyond Your Means
Most financial problems don’t show up overnight. They sneak in slowly—disguised as normal habits, justifiable purchases, or temporary indulgences. But money has a way of making the invisible obvious over time.
The good news? The warning signs are there if you’re willing to see them. And if you catch them early, you can correct course before financial stress becomes financial ruin.
Here are nine signals that you might be living beyond your means:
[Read more…] about 9 Warning Signs You’re Living Beyond Your Means
What is Integrity?
Integrity is one of those words that gets thrown around a lot. It’s on posters in office break rooms. It’s in mission statements. It’s something we tell ourselves we have. But what does it actually mean?
The Perfect Partner Does Not Exist
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but your dream of finding a partner who checks every single box, never annoys you, and always makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside? That’s a fantasy. A myth. A lie sold to us by Hollywood, Disney, and every rom-com where two ridiculously attractive people overcome a misunderstanding in the third act and live happily ever after.
Why Thousands of Japanese Choose to Disappear Every Year: Inside Japan’s Johatsu Phenomenon – Ned Hardy
Fake IRS Texts Are Back — Here’s How to Spot the Scam – Shield and Fortify
Once you try this ice cream scoop, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without this for so long – Amazon
The Best Time to Book a Flight, According to Travel Experts – Traveler
The ‘15-15-15’ Workout Is Great Cardio for the Easily Bored – Life Hacker
CIA Offers Buyout to Entire Workforce as Part of Trump Makeover – WSJ
A Stradivarius violin could sell for a record sum at auction. Is it worth the hype? – NPR
How banned Yankees fan Austin Capobianco’s life has changed since his infamous World Series moment – The Athletic
Why Did Hitler Declared War on the Soviet Union? – Ned Hardy
Get a fireproof safe to keep all your important documents—passports, legal papers, cash, and valuables—in one secure place, protected from fire and water so you can grab them quickly in an emergency – Amazon
11 dead in worst mass shooting in Sweden’s history – ABC
Super Bowl prices are decreasing five days out from the game – Axios
Google removes pledge to not use AI for weapons, surveillance – CNBC
The 10 Most Powerful Air Forces in the World – Visual Capitalist